Friday, August 29, 2014

2014 Photo Journal - Day 240 - Another Goat Photo!!!

This one is coming in from evening grazing - loved the horses in the background and the evening hue in the sky. The goats are just coming over the tank dam, and we are looking toward the headquarters (that's for you Raewyn!)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

2014 Photo Journal - Day 237 - Driving the goats for evening grazing

NOTE: I am so sorry dear friends that I have not commented on more or your posts. My mornings start at 5:30 and I am just now (10:19 p.m.) sitting down to the computer to post my photo. Seems a struggle to even get a photo each day. But I keep plugging at it - I love seeing each of your photos and a tidbit of your life!

Blessings and hugs from Texas!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

2014 Photo Journal - Day 235 - More Reflections

When you spend a lot of time with the goats - you get goat photos!!
Thought this one was fun with a nice set of kids!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

2014 Photo Journal - Day 234 - Brady Mountain

Remember the history lesson about Brady Mountain? Well this part of the "mountain" is the highest in altitude of the range. It is about 2 miles east of our headquarters and is above the headquarters where Mike's grandparents lived. His cousin now lives there.

2014 Photo Journal - Day 233 - Rain Lily

Thursday, August 21, 2014

2014 Photo Journal - 232 - Windmill

One of structures that "defines" a ranch is a windmill. I never tire of appreciating ours. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

2014 Photo Journal - Day 230 - Reflection

Almost every day I'm spending about 5 hours riding horseback herding goats. Sometimes I take my camera and play with different settings and shots. Liked this one a lot.

Friday, August 8, 2014